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Our Purpose

The Nebraska Ethanol Board works to build a greener, more energy-independent America by advocating for biofuels. We've been establishing procedures and processes necessary to the manufacturing and marketing of Nebraska ethanol since 1971. Nebraska is the only state in the U.S. with a government agency devoted solely to the development and support of its ethanol industry.

Nebraska Statutes

Funding for Nebraska Ethanol Board activities is provided by Nebraska ethanol producers via the following tax:

Ethanol Producer Excise Tax – Chapter 66-489, Nebraska Revised Statutes:  Each producer of ethanol in the state shall pay an excise tax of 1.25 cents per gallon on natural gasoline purchased for use as a denaturant by the producer.  All such taxes shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Agricultural Alcohol Fuel Tax Fund.

Sections 66-1330 to 66-1351 shall be known and may be cited as the Ethanol Development Act. Read the statutes on the Nebraska Legislature website.

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