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The Nebraska Ethanol Board identifies, conducts, and supports research initiatives to help the development of the ethanol industry. The list below highlights some of the many projects we have administered and funded in our 50-plus year history.

  • 2 Million-Mile Road Test (1972-1975): First-of-its-kind ethanol fleet test comparing performance of gasoline and gasohol. Integral to nationwide approval of E10 in 1978 and other legislation.
  • Energy Balance Research (1971-1979): Analyzed energy balances over the production of ethanol and co-products. Results were adopted by federal regulatory agencies and incorporated into ethanol plant design.
  • Distillers Grains Research (1971-1979): Supported research that proved the viability of distillers grains as a source of protein and energy in cattle feed.
  • Wet, Dried & Modified Distillers Grains Research (1990s-present): Sponsored research that proved viability of wet distillers grains to livestock as a nutritional supplement; collaborated with UNL on feeding trials and studies.
  • Nebraska Ethanol Economic Impact Studies (2010-present): Quantifies the annual multi-billion-dollar economic impact of the ethanol industry to Nebraska.
  • E30 Demonstration Phase I (2019): Demonstrated safety and efficacy of E30 fuel in 50 non-flex fuel vehicles (non FFVs) in the Nebraska state fleet.
  • Proving Harmful Effects of Gasoline Aromatics (2021-present): Collaborating with University of Minnesota and University of Illinois Chicago to research the human health benefits of fuel ethanol.
  • E30 Demonstration Phase II (2022-present): Significant expansion of Phase I to 800+ State of Nebraska non-FFVs running on E30 fuel to further demonstrate safety and efficacy of mid-level blends.